Monday, June 14, 2010

It doesn't matter how good a photographer you think you are...

It matters how good other people think you are that will make them hire you.

Suppose I'm in the market for a really talented portrait photographer.

If you come and tell me you're the best portrait photographer on the planet... I have absolutely no reason to believe you. And I probably won't give you the time of day.

Now, if my best friend tells me you're the best portrait photographer on the planet... I might be interested in seeing your work.

And if my best friend, my mother, and the local photography critic tell me you're the best portrait photographer on the planet... I'm definitely going to want to see your work.

But if 35 of my closest friends, all of my relatives, and the top 100 photography critics all tell me you're the best portrait photographer on the planet... I'm going to stop what I'm doing and hire you on the spot.

The moral of this story? Get a testimonial from every single client you work with. And then use these testimonials in all of your marketing materials.

Because there's simply no better marketing tool than other people saying how great you are.

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